Morgane Pluchon is a French designer and illustrator living and working in Paris, France with her husband Sébastien Cluzel – also a designer. Together they run the SCMP Design Office. But today I would like to share some of her work, in particular her quiet illustrations.
I am the one calling her illustrations quiet. Not her. Let’s make that clear. I call them quiet because they transport you somewhere peaceful and quiet. They show you the life of meaningless things. Objects that we carry and use and brake every single day and take for granted because we can replace them. Now should we replace them or not? That is another question for another time. Regardless, I love Morgane’s illustrations because they’re about these quiet objects and moments.

As a product designer, it feels almost natural that her illustrations focus on objects and details of either architecture or interior design. It makes sense, and she does it without going crazy either. She keeps things simple enough for us to understand what they are about. Also, she frames them in a way that would almost seem like an abstract painting.
Her drawing practise isn’t far from her design one. A designer has to draw to perceive and reflect on what an object can look like and feel like. Drawing is the beginning of any new project. But she managed to infuse some of her designs with that drawing aspect at the heart of things. And you can sense that in some of her products – like the ones she designed for Ikea.
I love her work, and it is great to witness how she’s evolved as both a designer and an illustrator since our time together in Art school. Yes, Morgane is a friend of mine, and even though we have lost touch, I am still a fan of her work and her. You probably have supported her by owning either of Ikea products listed above, but if you have not, you can follow her on Instagram or purchase one of her prints here.