I know, I know. It has been a while since I wrote a little piece on here. I said I was going to be back and then I bailed on you lovely folks. Guess what?! I’m back another motherf****ing time! This time I am about to share some things that I either own or wish […]
Ableton Live 12 is here

Everything is in the title. Ableton Live 12 is here, and it is packed with plenty of features that are quite interesting. Being an avid Live user since the 8th version of the German DAW, I can’t wait to try out the following new features: Plenty of other features seem to make working with Live […]
Book Club #01 : Art by Yasmina Reza

Reading is something that I struggled with for a long time. Not because I couldn’t read, but rather because I didn’t enjoy it. Reading came later when I was a teenager. Before that, the only thing I could read without feeling bored were comics and graphics novels. Even then I would still be bored after […]
Zine Of The Day: Crumb On Crumble by Arnaud Loumeau

I started collecting zines around 2008-2009. I do not own much, but as they are a part of who I am, I have decided to showcase them in this new “Zine of the day” series. In 2011, Emilie and I went to Offprint, an independent publishers’ fair in Paris and I was quite disappointed with […]
Gift ideas for music lovers

With Black Friday around the corner and Christmas right after, it might be time for you to consider buying a gift for that special someone you know that loves music. Don’t worry if you’re out of ideas because I have a list of gift ideas for music lovers. Disclaimer: The images do not link to […]