A year of silence

Films documenting music – fictional or not – are my favourite, right after science-fiction and animation. After a couple of weeks, I started to feature some music films here. Void, One Year Of Silence is the latest one I have seen. At the end of March 2020, the UK entered its first lockdown of the […]

Noticing Tammy Lakkis

Tammy Lakkis is the daughter of Lebanese immigrants. She grew up in Windsor, Ontario and Dearborn Heights, Michigan and is now based in Hamtramck. She is a singer, songwriter, producer, and DJ. Lakkis is also known for her all-hardware sets and singing bilingually in both English and Arabic. I first heard of her last summer […]

On making music

Making music is reasonably one of the greatest things you can do. I don’t say that because making music is cool. It sure is, but that doesn’t really matter. Nor do I believe that we start making music for the sake of being famous or being signed on a record label. Of course, being signed […]

Loving Posters #02

The posters showcased today are colourful and typo-centric. Three of them used hand-made style typography, while the two others utilise fonts. Unfortunately, I do not know which fonts. Sometimes, not knowing the answer is good. It shows that we are not a robot or a machine fed by sole knowledge. It shows that even though […]